Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A change of topics completely...

I wanted to take today to talk about the French artist named Fred.  Simple name, but complicated melodies and sounds, especially the second CD he put out in 08.  I bought his first CD when I lived in France by complete happenstance, and I am glad I stumbled on him.  He is almost completely unknown among the French people, which I find very sad.  I always try to compare him to an American artist when trying to describe his style to people here (America).  I think roughly one of the best comparisons would be Jack Johnson.  If Jack were to become French, I think he would sound like Fred.  Fred has a very diverse background and can speak fluently at least 5 languages. 

I only know so much because I went a concert of his once and it was one of the best I have ever seen.  It was just him, a drummer, and a piano player who was the opening act.  It was a great time and I even got to meet him after the concert as he was just hanging out in the bar.  I tried to stumble out some words in French, but then said the rest in English as I felt like an idiot.  I am not one to normally get tongue-tied, but I felt myself at that great! 

Anyway, I am a big fan of this musician and thought I would try to spread the word.  Some people might be put off by the fact he is a French singer, but I say get over it.  I have included the lyrics to a song called "Veille" below thanks to, so it will at least give you the ability to translate the song.  I personally won't do it for you because the chance that I might screw it up is great.  I would hate to have someone make the first comment on this blog just to tell me I messed up big time.  Anyway, I find it to be a beautiful song, and so I thought I would share it with anyone who might stumble upon this page.  Here is the song, and if you search really hard you can find a few extraits of the song on the web...otherwise, visit the aritsts website, and if you like his other stuff, buy the CD.  It's seriously that good.

As promised, voici les paroles!

J'ai sous la peau cet hiver
Qui ne débâcle pas
Petit feu de bord de mer
Qu'on ne souffle pas

J'ai caché dans ma voix
Des airs d'autrefois
Assise au fond de moi
Tu Veilles sur mes hiver

Il en est fait de moi
Il en est fait de moi

Dans nos mains on peut tout faire
Marchons du même pas
Et c'est un long Noël
Qui passe sans toi

J'ai caché dans ma voix
Des airs d'autrefois
Assise au fond de moi
Tu Veilles sur mes hiver

Il en est fait de moi
Il en est fait de moi

[ Merci à Narkotik d'avoir ajouté ces paroles ]

Hope you enjoy it.  Ciao.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How time can just fly by...

So I have been working on getting some pieces out.  A few weeks back I submitted three pieces to a website called Barrelhouse.  We'll see what happens with it, but so far no response.  Otherwise, still looking for places to submit and working away.  In terms of producing, I've kind of faltered withing the last few weeks.

It's amazing how time can fly by when you get sucked into the vortex of youtube.  From the absolute crap videos (watching gross shark bites) to the awe inspiring (Words video), there is always a million new videos to wrap yourself into endless hours mind-numbing stupification.  This happens to be a really great way to take your mind off the fact that you have had next to no sleep at all in the past few days.  Rag weed is killing me something fierce!  I think I have gone through two boxes of tissues over this Labor Day weekend.  Speaking of labor, I feel as if I could use another three day weekend to recoup after the strenous and back-breaking work I did.  One ceiling fan (over fifteen feet to the ceiling on a rickety ladder), one bathroom faucet, and one large garden box (4' wide x 20' long, and a foot high) and you have one busy body.

In other news, speaking of busy bodies and wife is pregnant.  Right now she has a nubby tadpole swimming inside of her, and on Thursday we will get a first look at the little peanut.  She has been very cautious about announcing the being growing within her, and I have complied so far to her wishes to keep things under wraps.  However, I know that no one really reads this blog, so I feel this is a way to cheat her wishes and spread the word like a manic soon-to-be dad and still not have to worry about spoiling her fun.  It is a crazy thing life, but this is how my life is.  Maybe that's everyone's life, but we just like to think we are unique in our situations.  Anyway, it is a shocking moment to experience, which is very ironic in itself.  You work (nudge nudge, wink wink) at trying to have a kid, but when the moment the test strip comes back with a positive sign, you end up saying "Damn."  And the shocked feeling is still there, the fish bowl effect of watching you standing there stunned as the world shrinks and you realize there's a higher purpose now for you.  To be responsible of more than just a dog who's pretty smart and could make it on his own, a wife who is amazing in her own right, but now to have under your wing a pooping, spitting, helpless bundle of pudge who needs you to become that beautiful being they will hopefully become.  It's a moment that - once it happens - you check yourself back into the reality that you know and are comfortable with because it's a little too much to take.  At least it was that way with me.  But as time is progressing, and the morethere are signs from my wife that there is life within her beyond gas and the remains of food, the more I start to grab ahold of this concept of fatherhood.  I think that now I can start seeing myself as a dad.  And now I just checked out of it, it's still too raw.  That's ok though, no need to worry.  I have until April before I really come face to face with the daddy reality.  Until then it's a pleasant dreaming coming to fruition.

I hope your days have been as eye-opening and universe expanding!
