Thursday, March 4, 2010

Working on work...

Well, I am still waiting on word for the poem submitted to Words on the Go, and I will give notice when my poem "The Sneeze Unsavored" can be viewed on the transit.  I assume everything is ok and they are just going through the steps to getting everything in order: designing backgrounds for the pieces, sending them to print, receiving the finished products, taking down the old and putting up the new.  Yet, part of me is still anxious to see it, and this feeling was reiterated upon receiving an email from a family member questioning the progress.  I had to tell them I didn't know, and there's nothing worse then not being able to give a firm answer on something you said was happening.  It makes you feel as if you're a bit of a liar.  "Yes, I have a poem that's being published.  No, you can't see it now.  It's not finished.  When will it be finished?  Well, I'm not sure.  Yes, I'm being serious."  <Sigh>

In the meantime, I am trying to continue to write despite my work's and my PL's best attempt at slowing me down.  At work I have been doing just that: work.  It's unusual and it has kept me busy - too busy to get my head in the writing game during the work hours.  House searching is still the big topic of discussion in the Thompson household, and so far we have not reeled in the big fish.  Many bits have there been, but they keep eluding our grasp.  Nevertheless, I keep plugging away at writing!

Right now, I have two goals: one is a monumentally big goal; one is smaller, and definitely achievable.  The Goliath I am working to take down is to complete a chap book by May 15th.  A chap book is a smaller version of a book, and the one I'm shooting for is roughly 30 pages worth of work.  Currently, I am about half way there right now in terms of quantity.  Quality, on the other hand, might be a different story.  I need to keep reworking the ones I have already while trying to put out new material... a daunting task while all the other things have going on concurrently.  The second goal is to have material ready for a submission to a quarterly.  I have a few in mind, but I need to see the material that I end up with and determine which quarterly will be most appropriate.

Aghh, wish me luck because I think I need it!

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